The first and most important thing you need to do to survive traveling in a new city is to recognize that you are alone. Hiding this fact will not help you get over your fears; they may even make them worse. Remind yourself out loud that it?s okay to be scared, lonely, or unsteady at first. The truth will become a lot less scary when you face the facts of life in any situation. Once you?ve intellectually understood and accepted the situation you?re in, it will become so much easier to handle it. There are so many things to help comfort you, such as books, phone calls, or movies. It?s okay to tell your family how you are feeling. It will help let them remind you that you are a strong person and can get through this obstacle.
Don?t be a hermit locked away; go outside and explore the whole city! Just being present in the city can help acquaint you more quickly and calmly. Even if you get lost, feel free to tell your thoughts to ?shut up and go away.? You will find your way! Don?t give up. You will ask a lot of questions when you first arrive, and it is completely okay to do that. Remember that nobody is judging you. Just be sure to get out of your own head and avoid putting pressure on yourself. Understand that the city is new to you, and you won?t always fit in right away. Your new place may feel weird at first, but you will get used to it over time. Enjoy, appreciate, and embrace your travels. Moving is scary, and staying is easy; but not all great things come with ease. Challenge your emotions, and keep your eyes open during this entire experience. It will be so rewarding as time goes by. The best part is soon to come. Have fun.